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About the project

The construction of a community healthcare facility in Kyajinja trading center in Kayini Parish is underway. The Health Center is to be registered as a Private-Not-For Profit (PNFP), initially equivalent to the Ministry of Health grading of a Health Center IV (HC IV), which is the lowest referral level in Uganda’s healthcare structure.

A HC IV is a mini hospital, and serves a county or a parliamentary constituency, and thus, Nagalaale Community Health Center will serve Nakifuma County, but will also expect patients from neighboring Bamunanika County of Luwero district. Currently, Mukono district does not have a HC, after Mukono HC IV was upgraded to a general hospital. The nearest HC IV to Kayini trading center is Kalagala HC IV (26km) in Luwero district. Kayunga Hospital is 30km away but it is at the regional referral hospital (RRH). Naggalama Hospital is 16km away and it is a PNFP, just like Nagalaale Community Health Centre.

The role of the center

Key areas of focus

Under Ministry of Health guidelines, a HC IV should provide both out-patient and in-patient services; as well as surgical services. It is operated by a Senior Medical Superintendent, supported by a Senior Medical Officer, three Medical Officers and 125 other staff of different medical specialties (April 2023 staffing guidelines).

On top of providing the conventional services expected of a HC IV, it is envisaged Nagalaale Community Health Center will be the nucleus for transformative innovations in community-based healthcare services within the entire subcounty of Seeta-Namuganga and beyond. Nagalaale Foundation would like to use the Health Center as a tool for broadening and deepening community-based healthcare as an effective approach to enhancing livelihoods and economic productivity of communities. There is a positive correlation between health and productiveness.

The health facility aspires to evolve into a learning hub, providing nursing and paramedical training, as well as serving as an Academic Health Center, where interdisciplinary research happens. In this sense, the health center will position itself as a demonstration for the One-Health concept.

  • Promoting youth access to appropriate health services as provided by Government and other actors, particularly reproductive health and HIV/AIDS;
  • Maternal healthcare and immunization; and
  • Preventive healthcare.

Ways to get involved

Contribute your skills in education, healthcare, or administration. Join our initiatives.

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